Now that I am back to the daily grind of school, I am coming to the sad realization that my summer never really existed. At least didn't exist in the way I had always hoped and dreamed. One of the greatest perks that I believed the teaching and coaching profession contained was that I would have two glorious months to do whatever I wanted. That dream was killed quickly.
As I stood in my kitchen, looking at the calendar back in June, instead of a blank slate with a giant message of "Do whatever you want!" scrawled across the months of June and July, the calendar was already filled. I no longer spend time enjoying the outdoors, sleeping in, staying up late, watching movies, playing my PS3, and hanging out on the lake. In exchange I picked up work trips, AP teacher training, working sport camps, coaching 7-on-7, and more football, football, football. (Not that I complain about the football part, I rather enjoy it!)
In my three years of teaching, and thus three years of summers, I have yet to enjoy the "fun" of summer rumored to be a part of the summer "vacation" on the school calendar. The last two summers were spent finishing my masters degree. This summer was a conglomeration of travel, work, and general craziness. Next summer I am sure will be full of more work and spending time with my first child, which I am looking forward to meeting in December!
So, I write all of this to tell anyone reading this, that summer vacation for a teacher/coach is never all that you might think. Don't get me wrong, it is still awesome to have, but not in the way you have it as a student. My message, enjoy it while you can!